Sunday, September 7, 2008

September 4

I was a little confused for this class because I didn´t go to class last Thursday; I missunsterstood the homework. When everybody started presenting their lesson plans it was very different from what I thought and I decided to present a Webquest I had planned for my fouth graders students; It became a very interesting presentation. I realised how much can I learn from my classmates because some of them perfomed very well with very nice ways for teaching.

By the other hand, I also realised that the mind map about the UNESCO Project was not for this day, but anyway I had the chance to change it by using the Inspiration Sowfware which is amazing. I didn't know a program such as interesting and useful as it is. I will start using it not only for this course but for many other that I have, because it has several posiblilities of presenting a mind map very creatively.


Claudia Uribe said...

You see how this tools exploration and discovery are going to enrich our classes...everything is related to another thing...
I think you have been doing a great job...
By the way, I like your portfolio, it is really connected to the mainstream of our class.
Thanks for your responsibility.

Claudia Uribe said...

sorry about my grammar mistake:
I correct
these tools´ exploration...